279. The Power of Listening

There are a lot of layers behind the act of listening. As podcasters, we’re creating something for our audience to listen to. However, we have to really listen to our audience in order for a show to be successful. On This Episode Of Should I Start A Podcast… There’s a difference between hearing and listening. If you have a podcast, …

77. Volume: Negotiation

We’ve all negotiated at some point in our lives. Whether you’re the president of your country negotiating international trade or a high schooler negotiating curfew with your parents, it all counts. Negotiation is for everyone. In this volume of The Psychology of Entrepreneurship… Two brilliant negotiation experts widen the lens for sorting it out. While this episode features another fantastic Clubhouse …

Title Image, 66. Volume: Katie Acheson: Youth Inclusion

66. Volume: Katie Acheson: Youth Inclusion

We’re always told that young people are the future, yet we shut down their ideas as naive. What if it’s actually the opposite? The youth of today haven’t yet been moulded and trained in our tired old ways of thinking. Perhaps their fresh perspective is the key to the future. We should listen to the youth. In this volume of The …