205. Mike Michalowicz on How Failure Sets You Up For Success

Failure is just as much a part of your journey as success is. It’s at these low spots where the richest stories are formed. Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast  where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the help of a star-studded entrepreneurial guest lineup, explores why you should start a podcast; build an audience, and how to keep them …

Confirmation Bias Holds us Back: How to Prevent it

In today’s divided world, empathy is an essential quality to have in order to navigate the madness. But how often are we really listening to someone else when they speak, and how often are we just waiting for our turn to talk?  On a recent episode of the Psychology of Entrepreneurship, I spoke with Laura Peterson, otherwise known as “Laptop …

Why Intentional Listening Translates to Great Conversation

As podcast hosts, we want to bring the most potent messages and stories into the world. When it comes to interviewing guests, your best-laid plans to get that groundbreaking conversation may fall flat. On a recent episode of Should I Start a Podcast, I spoke with Dr Mark Goulston, the world-renowned business psychiatrist, suicide prevention expert, TEDx speaker and author …

How to Picture Your Perfect day & Prioritise Your Life

If you’ve ever read a self-help book, talked to a life coach or listened to pretty much any psychology centred podcast, you’ve probably heard of the “Perfect Day Exercise”.  The perfect day exercise is when you close your eyes and picture what your version of a perfect day would look like. The clarity of your desires helps you make choices …

How Meditation Can Relieve Stress

Chaos, hustle, unrelenting- all these words can be attributed to the high pressured nature of business and the ever-increasing stresses of modern life.  While stress is a natural and sometimes helpful response for boosting energy and attention, when it enters into the realms of chronic, we can start to see some real physical and mental problems emerge.    According to The …

How Your Biggest Insecurity Can Become Your Biggest Asset

When Ronsley Vaz moved to Australia, he was very aware that his voice sounded incredibly different than everyone else’s. Sure, English was his first language, but 20 years of living in India gave him a distinct accent that was vastly different than the Australian drawl he heard all around him. On a recent episode of Should I Start a Podcast, …

Volume 27: Emily Fletcher: Meditation is Medicine

Stress can have so much power over us. As we try to navigate our high-stress lives, we can almost forgive ourselves for thinking that to accomplish more, we need to do more. But what if we did less? Your key to better performance may lie in practising the art of meditation.  This is The Psychology of Entrepreneurship, a highly produced audio …

3 Ways an Alter-Ego can Create a Confident Entrepreneur

A lack of confidence can hold you back in every aspect of your life. In relationships, in your work life, and especially in business endeavours as an entrepreneur. But confidence isn’t something you can just acquire if you don’t have it, to begin with. Or can you?  What if you could hit pause on yourself and be someone else for …

204. Mark Jones on How You Can Effectively Use Your Podcast To Market Your Brand

Podcasts are revolutionising the way brands are marketing their businesses. While having a show can be great for business, many podcasters can fall flat and fail before they’ve even begun.  In 2020, going into podcasting blind is no longer good enough- so let’s talk about podcasting fundamentals.  Welcome to Should I Start A Podcast  where each week Ronsley Vaz, with the …

How To Make Your Podcast More SEO-Friendly

A podcasters life isn’t always smooth sailing. This relatively new audio medium means that we often have to compete with the ever trending blogs and videos. Now that podcast popularity is soaring, we even have to compete with each other.  With so much content on the internet battling it out for the highest-ranking spots in Google searches, you can be …