Rebroadcast: Matthew Michalewicz stars in how to do everything you’ve ever wanted and live life in half a second

Matthew Michalewicz is an entrepreneur of the highest order and an author with experience in the fields of technology, commercialisation and supply chain management. I have read two of his recent books, Winning Credibility and Life in Half a Second.  Matthew is a fantastic speaker and has given keynote speeches for organisations on topics of personal motivation, success, pitching , partnerships …

80. How Haas Holistic founder fixed herself through food with Lauren Haas

Lauren Haas is the creator of Haas Holistic and is a Holistic Nutritionist based in Los Angeles but also has clients in Seattle, Kauai, New York, Philadelphia and Boston. She is an AADP Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, C.N.C, C.N.H.P, Certified Nutrition Coach as well as a Lifestyle Coach. Lauren graduated from USC with a BA in Psychology and an …

54. Dancing through Sunday food specialist Bec Thexton joins me for a Q&A Part I

Join me and Bec Thexton (the creator of Dancing Through Sunday) for a pretty awesome 2 part episode of answering questions to our fans biggest food challenges. Q: Dhanya Samuel: Not knowing where my ingredients come from! In the supermarkets in the fruit and veggie section each barcode has where it was imported from. Garlic for example usually says Mexico, …

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38. The various ways you can fix your relationship with food featuring Dr. Naras Lapsys

Dr Naras Lapsys has 2 university degrees and a PhD in Medicine. He began his career as a scientist at a leading medical institute, searching for the genes of obesity and diabetes. After nearly 10 years of research he came to the conclusion that the ‘quick fix’ pill was still a long way off and that nutrition and lifestyle would always hold the …