45. How do I make money from my podcast with Ed Dale

Ed Dale is the creator of The Challenge and co-founder of MagCast. These are systems used by thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide to get started and make money online and build their successful digital businesses. Over the past ten years, they’ve helped over 300,000 people worldwide get started online through The Challenge program. Ed’s been fortunate enough to experience the “Million …

43. Should I join a networking podcast with Katie Wyatt

Katie Wyatt is a wellness entrepreneur, startup stylist and biz whisperer. Katie can bring the style to your startup, and structure to your creative storm. She loves to help people with their businesses. She also shares her path into entrepreneurship, networking podcast tips, and female leadership model. Katie grew up in the corporate world where she learned the ninja arts of …

166. Women in Digital and how to get involved now with Holly Tattersall

Holly Tattersall is the ambitious Founder and International Director of Women in Digital: a not-for-profit that inspires and supports women in their digital careers by providing mentoring, training, educational resources and career opportunities to its members. In two short years, Holly has grown the organisation from a local Brisbane meet-up to an international organisation with branches as far reaching as …

165. Is fat really good for you? Listen to Sandy Forster and me discuss it

Sandy Forster is an International Millionaire Mindset Speaker, Mentor, Bestselling Author and Multi-Award Winning Business Owner. She’s won over eight international business awards, including 2010 Business of the Year (Australia) and Best Overall Company of the Year in the International Awards for Women in Business (New York), and in 2008 International Mentor of the Year. Over five million people have seen, …

40. The quick wins a podcast can bring your business with Petra Jones

Petra Jones is a podcaster, mumpreneur supporter and clothing designer. Her experience includes owning and designing her children’s clothing label and running a business for almost six years. Petra recently found her authentic voice when she launched her podcast, The Mumpreneur Show. She pushed herself to overcome her fear of being visible. This experience allowed her to step into the …

39. How to create a podcast that converts listeners to clients with Michelle Falzon

Michelle Falzon is the co-host of Content Sells podcast for a fortnightly dose of practical, educational advice on how you can attract, convert and keep your ideal clients using smart content marketing… and all without being too salesy or burning yourself out. It’s a podcast that cuts to the chase when it comes to creating content that sells. She has …

163. Simpatico Speaker Alice Haemmerle on the stuff that happens in our brains

Alice Haemmerle is a classically trained singer with a Master’s Degree from the renowned Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY. Music was her voice and her medium for connection, communication and leadership. It took her across the USA and Europe, where she sang in the most famous concert halls and auditoriums, and eventually in 1996 to Australia where she …