Volume 02. Dr. Sherry Walling: The Truth About Burnout

Entrepreneurs face multiple inner battles. We can be so connected emotionally and physically to our work, that we push ourselves in directions that aren’t particularly healthy, and the repercussions can monstrous. 

Welcome to The Psychology of Entrepreneurship, a candid and revealing series that follows Ronsley Vaz and his guests, as they strive to unravel the inner workings of the entrepreneurial mind, and explain why even the most successful among us experience Imposter Syndrome. 

If you are someone who is holding back, feeling unworthy of your success or questioning your competency as a professional then this podcast is for you. 

Dr Sherry Walling is a licensed clinical psychologist who understands the mental mechanisms of entrepreneurs. Her life’s work revolves around trying to guide people through the difficult emotional aspects of business on a psychological level. 

Dr. Walling has walked the path, and is a successful entrepreneur herself, primarily noted as the founder of ZenFounder, LLC and co-host of the ZenFounder podcast. She is also a bestselling author, with her book “The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Keeping Your Sh*t Together,” as well as a yoga teacher and keynote speaker. 

In this volume of Psychology of Entrepreneurship, Ronsley and Dr. Walling, delve into the all too familiar arenas of burnout, depression and personal conflict. They discuss why entrepreneurs love to hate authority, and explore the clinical side of ‘the imposter’ that lives inside us all.

 Also featured in this volume:

  • Walking in Sherry’s shoes – Why she chose to become a psychologist
  • Why you need your own definition of success
  • The inner rebel in all entrepreneurs
  • The difference between founder and entrepreneur
  • The calm waters and turbulent seas of business
  • How a brain scan tells the truth about how much we love our businesses
  • The fear of looking the fool
  • How we naturally orientate ourselves towards others
  • Why everything is organised by our sense of inferiority
  • The three components of burnout


Dr. Sherry Walling: Website

Dr. Sherry Walling: LinkedIn

ZenFounder: Podcast

Get ‘The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Keeping Your Sh*t Together’ Book Here

The main objective of this audio project is to bring together entrepreneurs who share similar values, for creators to find a place to have these kinds of conversations and not be judged and for artists who are looking to commercialize their art. 

For access to full length interviews and access to that place go to mustamplify.com/poe and click the button.

If you’d like to provide listener feedback or suggestions for podcast volumes or guests feel free to leave these suggestions at mustamplify.com/poe

Author: Ronsley Vaz

Ronsley is the founder & chief day dreamer at AMPLIFY. He is an author, speaker & serial entrepreneur.

He has a Masters’ degree in Software Engineering and an MBA in Psychology and Leadership. He is known as the creator of We Are Podcast – the first Podcasting Conference in the Southern Hemisphere, and the host of The Bond Appetit Podcast and Should I Start a Podcast. He has an audience of over 3 million in 133 countries.

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