83. Planning for Your Future Through Property? There’s a Podcast For That

Have you ever contemplated investing in property? Or, to be more specific, have you thought about it and then put it in the ‘too hard’ basket? You’re not alone. People all over Australia are disregarding property investing in favour of the things they think they need right now (smashed avo on toast, anyone?). Giving up the wants of your present to make sure you can cover the needs of your future is enormously important, and property is a sensible way of doing just that.

In today’s episode of Should I Start A Podcast, I talk to Bushy Martin, entrepreneur, thinker, founder of Know:How Group and one of the Top 10 Property Specialists in The Property Investor magazine, on the benefits of planning ahead, foregoing frivolous things in favour of a comfortable future, and how you can achieve your dream lifestyle through property investing.

We also discuss things like:

  • Bushy’s journey as an entrepreneur and business owner, and his aim to bring value and meaning to other people’s lifestyles
  • The lengthy time required to commit to property investing
  • The benefits of passive income
  • Bushy’s passion for property, and his ‘Howard Hughes’ year
  • The lightbulb moment that led him to create the plan to achieve his dream lifestyle – sketched out entirely on a cocktail napkin
  • Why Bushy wanted to start a podcast, and how you can benefit from it
  • The importance of caring about your future – and why it’s not as far away as it might seem
  • The ‘iPhone lifestyle’, and delaying gratification for more satisfaction
  • The origin of the name ‘Bushy’
  • Going through the hard times in order to get to the best


Know:How Group




Author: Ronsley Vaz

Ronsley is the founder & chief day dreamer at AMPLIFY. He is an author, speaker & serial entrepreneur.

He has a Masters’ degree in Software Engineering and an MBA in Psychology and Leadership. He is known as the creator of We Are Podcast – the first Podcasting Conference in the Southern Hemisphere, and the host of The Bond Appetit Podcast and Should I Start a Podcast. He has an audience of over 3 million in 133 countries.

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