162. The creator of Simpatico Conference and how she is uniting women with Jacqueline Nagle

Jacqueline Nagle was the president of the Busi Women’s Network on the Capricorn Coast and organised Michelle Bridges to visit Yeppoon for a conference. She had finished a job in Brisbane when she found she had no mortgage, no big debts, her children were grown up and living elsewhere, and thought “what do I want to do when I grow up?”

It was this thought that led her to embark on a quest to organise The Simpatico Conference which features Reese Witherspoon, Elize Hattin, Naomi Simson, Lisa Lockland-Bell, Vicki Webster and Alice Haemmerle. She said it was time for a conference empowering women with all the discussions around the world about women in leadership.

For more information on the conferences and the speakers, go to simpaticoconnect.com.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Simpatico Connect and how Jacqueline got the idea to take action and make it happen
  • How she was challenged in always finding a way to do it
  • Making up our minds and finding ways to do it
  • How she has started putting together a powerful development programme for women
  • The focus of Gender Diversity
  • Improving how women think
  • Her bigger plans for the Simpatico Conference
  • The start of a five year plan
  • The launching of the Professional Development Program
  • The power of how we think, what we say and the language that shapes and changes our world
  • Her background that she had to overcome to create the life that she has now
  • How she understands the power of changing our brain to change who we are
  • Believing in what we do – our greatest strength in overcoming challenges
  • The voice of doubt and how to deal with it
  • Doing more work on the mindset to reconnect, and the combination and concept of the strategies
  • Giving time to a mission and taking the time to fix it for you
  • The importance of change when creating the next step
  • How Jacqueline put together the amazing women in Simpatico Conference
  • What someone can expect when coming to the conference
  • The ability of owning the space when it comes to impact and influence
  • Getting through challenges in order to have the ability to be resilient
  • Owning your own voice and reconnecting with your own authentic voice
  • The importance of working out how to be attached to our authentic voice and connecting with it
  • Finding ourselves through our authentic voice and how we can influence people around us with it
  • The success factor across what we do, no matter what path we take
  • The real understanding of the dark side of leadership
  • Changing the way we to think to be able to help ourselves, the people around us and our communities to have better outcomes
  • Falling in love with possibilities
  • How Jacqueline loves foods and spent her earliest food memories with her grandparents
  • Foods as the best connection we ever experience

Jacqueline’s earliest and fondest memories around food

“We had a family beach house with my grandparents and we would go there all school holiday. My favourite thing was fresh bread, strawberry jam and condensed milk. It was really good. That was actually from my grandmother.”

Know more about Jacqueline Nagle

Who would you love to have dinner with and where?

Elizabeth Holmes, founder of Theranos. She’s a self-made multibillionaire. Nobody knew about her until 18 months ago when Forbes discovered her. She’s driven by her passion. I would love to have dinner with her in the mountains, looking at the ocean somewhere with great food.

Last meal on the planet?

“It would have to be an incredible, rich homemade lasagne.”


Where to find Jacqueline Nagle

WEBSITE: http://simpaticoconnect.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SimpaticoCXN

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesimpaticoconnection

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simpaticoconnect

LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/jacquelinenagle1

Author: Ronsley Vaz

Ronsley is the founder & chief day dreamer at AMPLIFY. He is an author, speaker & serial entrepreneur.

He has a Masters’ degree in Software Engineering and an MBA in Psychology and Leadership. He is known as the creator of We Are Podcast – the first Podcasting Conference in the Southern Hemisphere, and the host of The Bond Appetit Podcast and Should I Start a Podcast. He has an audience of over 3 million in 133 countries.

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