Business Owner Success

Business owner success … do you know what that means?

Bigger is not always better. Faster is not always the best speed to operate under. Is business owner success even attainable? The tropical beach and a minimal work day are not everyone’s dream. Work towards your dreams. Be the person you want to be. Find your value and bring that forward. If you are taking the steps towards scaling your …

5 Top Tips to Hiring the Best People for Your Small Business

You might have a great business idea, but unless you hire great employees as well, you can’t expect to go far. Recruiting the right people is the number one way to give your small business the best chance at any success, because the wrong people can damage your company in plenty of different ways. A poorly-chosen employee can be a …

3 Questions to Redefine the Podcast You Produce to Stand out from the Crowd

Omar Zenhom and Nicole Baldinu are on a mission to revolutionise business education and they’re making some serious in-roads! Their podcast, the $100 MBA show, gets 50,000 downloads a day! And it features real experts giving real advice on how you and your business can succeed!      I’ve been a huge fan of the $100 MBA show for a while …

Your Words Are Worth More Than Your Phone: Producing the Perfect Audiobook

You’ve just spent X amount of time hunched over a computer writing your book. Typing endless sentences that at some points you didn’t feel like writing. You block out the painful memories of deleting entire paragraphs, or even chapters for some. Then there’s the feedback from the editor that just makes you want to throw the book back at them …

Lilli’s Lowdown – Podcasting success, food and the Kardashian’s

This week on Bond Appetit, Anna Vocino spoke to Ronsley about the link between depression and diet. On some level all of us can recognise how different foods can make us feel. Although I may find a big, greasy burger comforting at first, it settles like a rock at the bottom of my stomach. It makes me feel sick, sluggish and tired. Then my mood …

Tim Paige on conversion, conversation and achieving podcast success

As you probably already know, here at Should I Start a Podcast we’re interested in giving you invaluable tips and advice on what you need in order to make your podcast a growing success. And so, I’m super thrilled to introduce this episode to you because there aren’t many people out there who could be more helpful to the aspiring …