Create a podcast for your business. But do these 7 things before you start

Create a Podcast for Your Business. but Do These 7 Things Before You Start

The first step on how to create a podcast, is the step that everyone hates and more importantly everyone avoids. It is by far the step that every single person I’ve met seems to think that they already know. And when I listen to what they have to say, it sounds exactly the same to every other person in their industry that would want to create a podcast.

Why is clarity of your podcast concept important

This step if done right will save you the months of effort in creating something that will not give you any satisfaction and your business any return on investment. This step is key because it forces you to figure out the real purpose of the podcast and how much value your listeners are going to get from your show.

In this step the important outcome is you figuring out why and how your podcast is going to be different from the variety of podcasts out there in the world. Understanding your potential listeners, and why they are different from your ideal clients is important to figuring out what kind of podcast you are going to create.

The biggest mistake businesses make at this stage is creating a podcast that is purely for them to get more clients – i.e. your podcast is for your business to flourish without you worrying about whether you are adding value to the listeners. The key to the success of any podcast or any creation is to be in service of the people you are trying to help.

How to clarify your podcast concept and make it unique

Here is the exact list of steps that you need to implement to get clarity on your podcast concept. The key is to follow the steps in order.

  1. Understand the different types of podcast shows
  2. Understand and experience a variety of different podcasts with different lengths and frequency of release
  3. Determine and outline your ideal customer
  4. Determine and outline your ideal listener
  5. Outline the promise of your show and how that promise will add value to your ideal listener
  6. Outline the unique concepts of your show before you create a podcast
  7. Determine the duration & frequency of your podcast based on the above

The top 3 must-do actions before you create a podcast

  1. The difference between your ideal customer & ideal listener – Yes, there is a difference. Your ideal customer is someone that you would love to do business with and who would enjoy working with you. You have successfully found a way to address their pain in a way that they trust you to fix it. They have exchanged money for your product or service or expertise. They value what you have to offer.
    Your ideal listener has the same problems as your ideal customer, but they don’t know if you can help them. They don’t even know on most occasions if the problems they have a big enough for them to solve yet. The question you should ask is, “Will my podcast help take my ideal listener and educate them to turn them into my ideal customer?”
  2. Determine what makes you unique – You are unique. You aren’t like anyone else on the planet. But what comes naturally to you, chances are you don’t think is as valuable. When you create a podcast it is important that you harness your uniqueness. For example, if you are a person that loves challenging everything then that should be part of your show. Chances are that throughout your life people have been telling you that you are annoying because you just like challenging stuff. Even stuff that most people just believe to be true. Don’t conform. Be you. Figure out what it is that makes you the unique piece of work that you are, and exploit it when you create a podcast.
  3. What are your ideal listeners’ secret fears? –  What are the questions and fears that your ideal listener has that they don’t voice out to anyone? The ones that keep them up at night. The ones that they are too scared to admit to because they will be judged. If you don’t spend time knowing what these are, and really talking to these points, then why should they trust that you have their best outcomes at heart.

Even if you go through this whole process and realise that a podcast isn’t for you, I promise you will know more about your clients. Which will make you one of the best in your industry. Because I guarantee that your competitors aren’t taking the trouble.

Download the 49-item checklist to create a podcast for your business here. 


Author: Ronsley Vaz

Ronsley is the founder & chief day dreamer at AMPLIFY. He is an author, speaker & serial entrepreneur.

He has a Masters’ degree in Software Engineering and an MBA in Psychology and Leadership. He is known as the creator of We Are Podcast – the first Podcasting Conference in the Southern Hemisphere, and the host of The Bond Appetit Podcast and Should I Start a Podcast. He has an audience of over 3 million in 133 countries.

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