decorative image with episode title and a picture of Scott Bryant-Comstock

260. Going Deeper with Your Podcast with Scott Bryant-Comstock

If you could only make one final episode of your podcast, what would your closing message be? Would you go deeper than ever before? On This Episode Of Should I Start A Podcast…. Scott Bryant-Comstock contemplates podcasting and what comes next. In this episode, I talk to Scott Bryant-Comstock about going deep with your podcast. Scott is the host of …

decorative image containing the title and a picture of Ronsley Vaz

254. How to Create Relationships with Your Podcast Audience

In the podcasting world, you’re bombarded with the importance of the “Call to Action”. A CTA is indeed important, but what about the call to engagement? Engagement can’t happen until you create meaningful relationships with your podcast audience. On This Episode Of Should I Start A Podcast… Never underestimate the power of listener engagement. Engagement is the number one reason …

252. How to Invite Instead of Sell in the Podcast World

252. How to Invite Instead of Sell in the Podcast World

Selling doesn’t come naturally to most of us. But instead of thinking of it as a necessary evil, tweak your perspective a bit. Think of a sale more like an invitation. You’re just inviting someone to use something of value that you have to offer. On This Episode of Should I Start A Podcast… Sales are like invitations. As podcasters, we’re …