decorative image containing the title and a picture of Rachel Luna

68. Volume: Rachel Luna: Equity

What’s the difference between equity and equality? And why does it matter? Well, equality ensures that everyone has access to the same thing. Equity, however, is about getting everyone what they need to thrive. When we focus only on equality, we’re denying that there may be factors within our control, contributing to why some people aren’t thriving. And that makes …

The Difference Between Equity and Equality and Why it Matters

What’s the difference between equity and equality? And why does it matter? Well, equality ensures that everyone has access to the same thing. Equity, however, is about getting everyone what they need to thrive. When we focus only on equality, we’re denying that there may be factors within our control, contributing to why some people aren’t thriving. And that makes …

decorative image containing the title and a picture of Ronsley Vaz

254. How to Create Relationships with Your Podcast Audience

In the podcasting world, you’re bombarded with the importance of the “Call to Action”. A CTA is indeed important, but what about the call to engagement? Engagement can’t happen until you create meaningful relationships with your podcast audience. On This Episode Of Should I Start A Podcast… Never underestimate the power of listener engagement. Engagement is the number one reason …